About Find Mickeys and Our Quest to Find Hidden Mickeys

About Find Mickeys and Our Quest to Find Hidden Mickeys Error adding symbol table to error log num 36420!
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In 2012 FindMickeys.com was created as a quest to gather hidden Disney characters throughout the world and post them on one website.

As we continued our quest, we have discovered new characters such as hidden Donalds, hidden Jacks, and even a hidden Mr. Toad! As we further continued our search, we have noticed previous Disney products we purchased, such as mugs, had hidden Mickeys too. Finding these secrets has given our family vacations a new dimension when visiting Walt Disney Resorts. It has also given us a better appreciation of Disney's attention to detail by the Disney Imagineers.

FindMickeys.com is a website created by fans for fans of the The Walt Disney Company. FindMickeys.com is not affiliated with, authorized or endorsed by The Walt Disney Company, Disney Enterprises, Inc., or any of their affiliates. Disney artwork/properties: © Disney. All trademarks, service marks and trade names are proprietary to The Walt Disney Company and Disney Enterprises, Inc.

We invite you to share your discoveries and experiences by becoming a member and joining our quest to find Disney's Best Kept Secrets... hidden Mickeys and more. 

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